Who works with his hands is a worker. Who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. Who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist. (Saint Francis of Assisi) Posted March 29, 2018 1135 MOREMORE 00
Love is not in the other, but inside ourselves. We are the ones who must awaken it. Yet sometimes for that to happen we need the other. Posted March 29, 2018 1034 MOREMORE 00
Choosing a path means abandoning others. When you want to choose all the possible paths you end up not going along anywhere. Posted March 29, 2018 967 MOREMORE 00
The authentic experience of freedom is to have the most important thing in the world without possessing it. Posted March 29, 2018 912 MOREMORE 00
The security of death imposes a limit to all joy but also to all suffering and pain. Posted March 29, 2018 889 MOREMORE 00
Pride or conceit is a falsely superior image of ourselves that leads us to be envious of superiors, competitive with our peers and arrogant with the inferiors. Posted March 29, 2018 945 MOREMORE 00
Do not judge what is wrong, but do not ignore mistakes: a wrong view of things produces unpleasant consequences. Posted March 29, 2018 921 MOREMORE 00
In order to believe in his path, a warrior does not need to prove that others are wrong. Posted March 29, 2018 990 MOREMORE 00
The virtues, like the essences, if exposed, lose their fragrance. Posted March 29, 2018 905 MOREMORE 00
Who is a Master in the art of living distinguishes little between work and his free time. In whatever he does, he lets others decide if he is working or playing. He knows he’s always doing both things together. Posted March 29, 2018 984 MOREMORE 00