Morning gymnastics

Morning gymnastics


This simple gymnastics that should be carried out daily is intended to mobilize all of our joints, which, if not stimulated, tend to get stuck. It also stimulates and increase the body’s energy flow.

Repeat 10 times each exercise. If not specified, perform the exercises standing.


Feet and knees:
1. Flex and extend your toes (sit, do the exercise with both legs).
2. Flex and stretch the foot (sit, do the exercise with both legs).
3. Make right and left foot rotations (sit, do the exercise with both legs).
4. Flex and extend your knee by bringing the heel to the buttocks (stand upright).

5a. Flex your thigh by bringing the knee to the chest.
5b. Raise the lower limb and make rotations outward and inward.
6. Bend your trunk sideways to the right and to the left with your arms along the legs.
7. With your hands on your hips, make circumference of the basin on one side and on the other.
8. Slowly, bend your trunk forward with your hands to your feet and your head to your knees.
9. Rotate your trunk to the right and to the left with your arms relaxed. Follow the rotation with your eyes.

Hands, elbows, wrists and shoulders (do the exercises with both parts simultaneously):
10. Hands. Open and close your fingers.
11. Hands. Make the circumference of the thumbs first to the right and then to the left.
12a. Wrists. (Hold elbows close to the trunk) Flex and extend the wrists up and down.
12b. Flex and extend the wrists to the right and to the left (like windshield wipers).
13. Wrists. Turn the wrists to the right and to the left.
14. Elbow. Flex and extend the forearms to the shoulders.
15. Elbow. Turn your palms up and down.
16. Shoulder. The arms are along the body, bring your arms up stretched forward.
17. Shoulder. The arms are along the body, bring your arms out outstretched.
18. Shoulder. Arms stretched, stretch your arms back up from the buttocks up.
19. Shoulder. Arms stretched, circle forward and backward.
20. Shoulder. Hands on shoulders, circling back and forth.
21. Shoulder. Take a hand behind the scapula and the other behind the head, alternating the movements.

Neck (do the exercises very slowly and if you feel dizzy, suspend the exercise):
22. Turn your head to the right and left towards your shoulders.
23. Fold your head forward toward your chest and then back while gently massaging your neck with your hand.
24. Bending your neck, turn your head to the right and to the left, going to the shoulder with your ear.
25. Make some complete circulations with your head on both ways while gently massaging your neck with your hand.

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Phone: +39 0165 749286
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